Wednesday, March 25, 2009

40...the party continues

If you have never experienced a Gorilla Gram you have been missing out. I had my first one today (Thanks Pammy). My gorilla had tatas with three nipples....priceless!

Thanks to the office for making this day special.

The Wait is Over!

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was grab a book to see if I could read the words. Since everyone over 40, including my eye doctor told me that once I turned 40 my eyesight would be the first to go. Well so far, I can still see the words in front of me. Maybe there is a week or two delay.

The folks in my office are the best. I walked into my office this morning and my office was decorated. Also Ms. Pam had a message on the window outside my office. Yes, i am 40 and fine!

Tonight we're stepping out on the red carpet to actually celebrate this momentous occasion. I can't wait. I'll keep you posted as the day goes on.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

40 is rapidly approaching

Okay, the partying began last weekend and I only have one more day to actually say I'm 30 something. Starting tomorrow it's 40 something. Actually starting tomorrow it's "Don't ask me my age".

Festivities began last Friday with a Happy Hour at One-O-One. Co-workers showed up, we had a good time. We took a picture that is suppose to be on there website so keep checking to see if it shows up. FYI, if anyone ever asks what does the name One-O-One stand for -- its the address 101 -- next time you're there ask one of the waitresses. Our waitress had no idea. Even when we suggested was it the address she was still clueless.

Then we moved on to Saturday at Tapas, a new restaurant in Midtown Manor. After 6 Stellas, 3 vodka on the rocks and one Jeager Bomb, I don't remember much. I do know I ended up at Tantra, the last known place to have seen my ID, which I am still looking for by the way. I was greeted by a chic at the door that night that asked if I was celebrating my 21st birthday and if you had to guess my answer was "hell yes".

Then finally, we closed out the weekend with a Spring Fling at my house. It was a perfect day for a cookout. Needless to say the last guests didn't leave until 12:30am.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

My day hasn't been half bad. Laede and I started our day by sleeping in late. Then I spent some time with my BFF Kennedy, Cole and Sheree. Then, I was invited over to friends house for a Valentines Day cookout. Thanks for the invite. Even though I'm the only one solo it doesn't seem to obvious. Well, I guess I'm not the only single one here, John and Viet are representing too. After a few, martinis or beer, which ever one you choose it doesn't really matter.

So here's a shot out to all the lovers and the haters. Love yourself and whoever is around.

Friday, January 30, 2009

My Bad!

Today is my mom's birthday, in which I remembered up until the actual day. You know it's bad when you get a phone call from your aunt asking you what is today and you reply, "I don't know, what's happening today." Then she hands the phone to your mother and you still don't get it.

Finally, it hit me. Sorry Mom. Happy 69th Birthday! Ooops, maybe I shouldn't have posted that part. I must admit she doesn't look her age. Thanks for the good genes!
Notice the glass in front of Irma Frances, I bet you thought it was water. NOT!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Countdown to 40!

As the days are approaching to the "Big 40", I decided to chronicle the last days of my 30's. Yes, maybe I'm a little dramatic, but the reality is I'm getting old. The good news is I don't feel old, I don't look old and I don't act old. Now all of this is not to say that being old is a bad thing. I am grateful to be almost 40. However, I must admit that almost 40 doesn't necessarily agree with me. My eyes are going bad, my knees crack and worst of all I have gray hair. So I decided I will not grow old gracefully, I will fight it every step of the way.

So I'm headed to Viva Las Vegas to live it up! I plan on not acting my age and looking fabulous. Probably drinking a lot and hitting on strangers, but that's nothing for Vegas. So far most of my friends are on board. Even if they weren't it's not stopping me.